Additional Services

If you need something done and it is not listed here, feel free to contact me to see if it can be completed for you. If you just want something designed and you can load it yourself, I offer single design services:

Header only: starting around $40 and up

Patterned Background only: $5 - $10

Blinkie/Button: $8 - $10

Signature Image (on posts): $5 - $8

Icon (between posts): $5 - $8

Favicon (small image beside URL address): $8 (includes installation help if needed)

Other Images (sidebar title background, etc): $5 - $8 per image

Complete Blogger Design and Set-up:
If you want a unique, custom design but do not know how to code and load it yourself, I can do everything for you.*This will require either you giving me your password or inviting me to join your blog as an admin temporarily - you can change your password or remove me after you have your template and you are satisfied.

Full Design and set up: from $100 and up (email me for a quote)

NOTE: All prices quoted are in US dollars.